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Test and Calibration Laboratory

Test and Calibration Laboratory

The Test and Calibration Laboratory of ZOK Sp. z o.o. is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation for the performance of tests and measurements.

We perform the following tests:

  • Testing the physical properties of hard black coal samples, including:
    • determination of the total moisture content using the gravimetric method,
    • determination of the moisture content of an analytical sample using the thermogravimetric method,
    • determination of volatile components using the thermogravimetric method,
    • determination of the ash content using the thermogravimetric method,
    • determination of the real density according to the PN-G-04537 standard
    • measurement of the diffusion coefficient and sorption capacity using the thermogravimetric method.
  • Analyses of the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas samples extracted from black coal, and gas samples of a natural origin. We analyse gas samples using the gas chromatography method (GC-TCD), with respect to determining the amount of:
    • oxygen (O2),
    • carbon dioxide (CO2),
    • methane (CH4),
    • ethane (C2H6),
    • propane (C3H8),
    • nitrogen (N2),
    • hydrogen (H2),
    • ethylene (C2H4),
    • carbon monoxide (CO).
  • Badania składu jakościowego i ilościowego próbek powietrza pobranych na stanowiskach pracy metodą izolacyjną. Badania próbek powietrza wykonujemy metodą chromatografii gazowej (GC-TCD), w zakresie oznaczania zawartości:
    • ditlenku węgla (CO2),
    • propanu (C3H8),
    • metanu (CH4).
  • Na podstawie wyników badań fizyko-chemicznych próbek węgla oraz wyników badań składu jakościowego i ilościowego gazu pozyskanego z tych próbek, obliczamy metanonośność pokładów węgla kamiennego.
  • On the basis of the qualitative and quantitative composition, we perform the following calculations for fuel gases:
    • calorific value,
    • heat of combustion,
    • density,
    • Wobbe index,
    • total elemental carbon content,
    • CO2 emission rate (based on the calculated gas composition).
  • Under its PCA accreditation, the Test and Calibration Laboratory performs measurements of the amounts of the gaseous components of reference materials with respect to:
    • the carbon monoxide content of a gas mixture,
    • the methane content of a gas mixture,
    • the carbon dioxide content of a gas mixture.
