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The “Dębowiec” Natural Gas Mine

The “Dębowiec” Natural Gas Mine

Owned by the EXME Berger Group, the Dębowiec Natural Gas Mine produces high-methane gas, and distributes it via a network of pipelines to business entities and individual consumers from two natural gas fields—”Dębowiec Śląski” and “Pogórz”.

The reservoir pressure of the gas allows it to be transported over long distances, and thus the extracted gas is used for heating and production purposes in the surrounding localities.

To further increase the transfer capacity, we have independently designed and built a system for compressing and tanking natural gas into transport bundles of up to 240 MPa. Such a solution has expanded the customer base to include those who cannot use our gas pipeline network, and it has allowed us to provide gas for our own heating and technological needs. Our production halls and administrative buildings are provided with gas heating, in which we use gas from our own well in Pogórze. We transport the gas by specialised vehicles, adapted for transporting gas bundles, and then decompress it in the station installed on our premises.

With this solution, we can ensure that we use 100% of clean energy in our production processes. We source heat exclusively from gas, and electricity exclusively from a photovoltaic installation.
